CRS Validation


The OECD's suggestions for validation requirements are detailed in Part B of the Common Reporting Standard Status Message XML Schema User Guide.

In order to prevent recurrences of such errors, new validation rules have been implemented in ITIES which are applied to all CRS returns. IGOR applies these rules at the time of receiving a return, and will entirely reject a return which breaks any of these rules, providing a description detailing why this rejection has occurred.

The goal of the ITIES validation rules is that if a return is received by IGOR, then it will be entirely accepted by the majority of destination jurisdictions without any record-level errors being returned.

Recent Version history

Validation Errors

"ReportingFI ResCountryCode must be provided..."


ReportingFI ResCountryCode must be provided and must be BH.

Affected elements


This error occurs if no ResCountryCode is specified for the ReportingFI, or if the ResCountryCode is not BH (Bahrain).


The ResCountryCode in this example is missing.

The ResCountryCode in the above example is not BH.

The XML required is:

"An account number of type OECD601 must be a valid IBAN"

Affected elements


The AccountNumber must follow the IBAN structured number format when the AcctNumberType attribuite is OECD601 (IBAN).

ITIES validates the country code, length (which is determined by the country code), and check digit.


"The FirstName/LastName of a Name element must not be empty"


The FirstName of a Name element must not be empty. If you have no first name information, you can specify 'NFN' (meaning 'No First Name').

The LastName of a Name element must not be empty.

Affected elements


The CRS XSD schema requires the FirstName and LastName elements of a Name to be included, but allows them to be empty. The standard requires that the "name" be provided in the information exchanged and many receiving jurisdictions require these elements to be populated to ensure compliance with the standard.

The use of 'NFN' (No First Name) for individual account holders and controlling persons is suggested on page 238 of the Common Reporting Standard User Guide for situations where the FI does not have complete first name information (whilst ensuring AML/KYC procedures and associated regulations and rules are adhered to).


Both the FirstName and LastName must be populated. If no FirstName information is held, use 'NFN':

"The organisation name must not consist only of whitespace."


The organisation name must not consist only of whitespace. If no name is available, omit this element.

Affected elements


The organisation name element must not be empty.


The name consists only of spaces.

"Name type OECD201 (SMFAliasOrOther) is not used for CRS"

Affected elements


The organisation name type must not be OECD201. This name type is not used for CRS.


The name type is OECD201.

"The City element of an AddressFix element must be populated"

Affected elements


If the Address element contains an AddressFix element then the City must not be empty.


The City must be populated:

"AddressFree elements must be populated"

Affected elements


If the Address element contains an AddressFree element then it must not be empty.


The AddressFree must be populated:

"Date of birth must not be earlier than 1900/after the current year"


Date of birth must not be earlier than 1900.

Date of birth must not be after the current year.

Affected elements


The date of birth must be in a valid range.


The date of birth is before 1900.

"The TIN element must not consist only of whitespace"


The TIN element must not consist only of whitespace. If no TIN is available, omit this element.

Affected elements


The TIN element must not be empty.


The TIN consists only of spaces.

"The controlling person must be omitted"


When the account holder is an organisation and the account holder type is CRS102 or CRS103, the controlling person must be omitted.

Affected elements


When the account holder is an Organisation, The ControllingPerson element must be omitted if the value of the AcctHolderType element is CRS102 or CRS103.


The AcctHolderType is CRS102, but the ControllingPerson has been provided.

The following is valid:

"The controlling person must be provided"


When the account holder is an organisation and the account holder type is CRS101, the controlling person must be provided

Affected elements


When the account holder is an Organisation, The ControllingPerson element must be provided if the value of the AcctHolderType element is CRS101.


The AcctHolderType is CRS101, but the ControllingPerson has been omitted.

The following is valid:

"The account balance must be greater than or equal to zero"

Affected elements


The AccountBalance must not be less than zero.


"The Account Balance must be zero if account is indicated as closed"

Affected elements


If the ClosedAccount attribute on the AccountNumber element is true, the account balance must be zero.


The account balance must be zero: