API Documentation


ITIES is a system which enables financial institutions to submit to the CBB or MOICT the data required under the obligations placed upon them by exchange of information legislation.

ITIES is comprised of a web portal which financial institutions can log into, and an application programming interface (API) with which they can integrate their systems. This document describes the API.

For the full documentation - please login to ITIES at https://ities.nbr.gov.bh/

Once you have logged in, please copy and paste the following link into your browser - https://ities.nbr.gov.bh/APIDocumentation


The ITIES API uses HTTP Basic Authentication; your API key is securely encrypted by the SSL channel.

If you are testing the API call via the command line with cURL, use:

In most programming languages, the API key can be specified in the authentication section of request. If your language requires a username and password, enter the API key in the username and set the password to an empty string.

API key

Your API key will be provided to you via the ITIES website. You will use the web portal to group your financial institutions into “organisations”, with one API key per organisation. You will be able to generate a new API key on demand using the website.

Note: There is only one API key per organisation. If you choose to regenerate your API key, your API requests will not work until you’ve updated all references to your API key.

Calculating your own authorization header

Most programming languages encode the authorization header automatically. With HTTP Basic Authentication, the Authorization header is a string containing a Base-64 encoded username and password. In the case of the ITIES API, you need only specify the username as your API key. If your library requires a password, set it to an empty string.

Additional headers

Accept header

The ITIES API returns results as JSON, or for some methods XML. Your requests should always include the header requesting the appropriate content-type:

Content-Type header

When sending data to ITIES in a POST or PUT request, your request must specify the content type of your request:


For the full API documentation, please copy the following link into your browser https://ities.nbr.gov.bh/APIDocumentation

GET api/v1/FinancialInstitutions/{id}Get the details of a financial institution.
POST api/v1/FinancialInstitutions/batchCreates an entity with one or more reporting types.


GET api/v1/Reports?organisationId={organisationId}&reportingType={reportingType}&status={status}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}Get a list of all previously submitted reports for an organisation matching specific criteria.
POST api/v1/Reports/{reportType}?OrganisationId={OrganisationId}&arrangementDate={arrangementDate}Submit a report.